The Conquer – $10k Winner Take All. The Amateur’s Dream
For those in the Ultrarunning community, The Conquer received a lot of notoriety and acclaim after its 1 st edition in January 2024. It originated as a 5k or 3.1-mile loop around Amicalola Falls State Park that included climbing the infamous 605 stairs up the waterfall to end each loop. The 2 nd Annual Conquer, uniquely held for the 2 nd time in 2024 due to park updates, brought out some of the best amateurs in the world. It was an international affair with athletes across the United States and multiple countries. I paid close attention to the 1 st event, being very interested in how a prize pool would affect the results. Single-digit temperatures radiated throughout the park and the combatants grinded out hour after hour in brutal conditions. I was injured and unable to compete, but I was impressed by how far the event went in freezing conditions. When the event rolled around to December, I was reluctant to sign up, to be honest. Climbing and elevation are not my strong suit in ru...